
Showing posts from May, 2013

~ Reality Hidup Sebenar ~

Hidup kadang-kadang penuh dengan gelak ketawa. Senyuman di bibir. Bahagia. Ceria. Namun, bukan setiap masa rasa BAHAGIA, HAPPY. CERIA. Ada masa nya jugak kita akan rasa Sedih. Menangis. Bad Mood. and now that is what im feel. i dont know mana silap nya aku. SALAH ISI BORANG JE kena MARAH bagaikan DOSA BESAR snagt salah aku tu. lalu diungkit segala yg lepas. aku tak fahamm! boleh kan ckp baik-baik. urrghh! and now i feel like to go far away and maybe long time i will back here.  to proof to YOU that i also can do the best for my life. Im too disappointed with myself but please JANGAN TAMBAH LAGI! ENOUGH! luluh hati ni. sangat-sangat.. rasa tak nak belajar pun ada. RASA NAK PERGI SEKOLAH PONDOK JE! beljar agama! belajar brdampingi ALLAH. tak kejar DUNIAWI ni!  im crying just not because im weak. im just too sad! really sad! my life is suck! Allahuakbar.. when will i get MY BETTER LIFE??!


first aq nk sampaikan. betapa kecewa nya aq dengan kau. SELAMA NI AQ SANJUNG KO! tp sekelip mata kau lupakan aku.. yuppp pada awal nya aq xleh terima. veryyyy disapointed! but aq terima takdir aq.. aku doakan yang terbaik buat ko.. ingat smpai mati aku ni tau..  KALAU KAU NAK CARI AKU, KO TAHU KAN KAT MANA.. KENANGLAH AQ DALAM DOA KAU.. AKU SELALU NMPAK-II KAU. RINDUUUU SANGAT! Then aq kecewa juga dengan diri aku.. orang tak percaya aku x dpt tempat unuk IPTA. apa tah lagi aku. TUAN PUNYA BADANN! aku memang langsung x percaya yang aq boleh tidak berjaya.. tapi maybe bukan rezeki aku. tapii aq dah kecewa kan IBU DAN AYAH aq sekali lagi.. :( KAKAK SELALU BUAT IBU AYAH SEDIH DENGAN KAKAK. KAKAK X TAHU NAK BUAT MCM MANA LAGI DENGAN DIRI AKAK NI.. IBU AYAH JUST DOAKAN TERBAIK UNTUK KAKAK KEYYY.. I LOVE YOUU <3 Aku juga jelesss tngok kengkawan yang lain BERSEMANGT GILA nak sambung studyyy! jeles sngat.. untung mereka2 semua nak pergi dah kan.. aku x tahu nak cak...


assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuuu.. apa habaqqq?? i hope u are always well and happy .. urmmm i have so many times lately ni.. x busyy pun.. after finish my pre-diploma i just habiskkan masa di rumah dengan MEMBINA BADANN! sekarangg dh makin TOUGH!!! kalahh ko lelaki yg selalu ke gymm tu! hahaha.. ingat kan nak menanam anggur? janggung? but dah ramai sngt yg tanam kan.. so i take it easy dengan MEMBELA LEMAAKKK! if u wanna to buy just inform me keyyy! PM or maybe DM! hahaha..okeyyy its not funny at all.. ohhh i was make my promise to update about my friends. FLOOR 4 WING A! yeahhhh for 4 months i share a lot with them. share about love, about meaningful of friendship. we are like one family! together! i never imagine that i will have you friends! i am really grateful to Allah because we can meet! enjoy the day! be a friend! farah terlalu happpy dpt kenal dgn korang. farah sngt2 happy! farah bangga kenal dgn korang. walaupun mcm2 kerenah mungkin. itu biasa lah kan?! hah...


what is mean by  FRIENDSHIP ?? i have make a google research and it said that friendship is about a RELATIONSHIP between we and our friends.. yeahhh absolutely! for this 4 months in Pre-Diploma i got a lot meaningful, a lot of friends.. okeyy this post i will share about my friendssssss.. My section 1 friends, my new friends and my floor friends.. I am section 1's student. in my class there are about 60 students.. but it was devide with 2 for Amali and Tutorial! .. rinduuu ENCIKK ARIEF NAZRYE! huihui.. here you are! they all are my section friends! i love them very much and now absolutely i miss them a lot! huarghhhhh.. ermmmm on 3 April, we had an Annual Dinner. yg special nya on my belated birthdayyy!and there is a theme colour! the theme is GREEEN! GO GREEN ! GO GREEN! opsss! ahahah.. so here there are th pictures! dalam masa yg sama ada juga aktiviti luar seperti 1M4U.. alahh masa tu kami di antar ke JB kon...


Hahhhh! ko semangat! hahaha.. Salam.. lama dah farah x update my blog.. yah! im quiet busy this lately.. and now officially i am free from all kinds of work,assignment and class.. hahahaha.. *ketawa jahat! okeyy what is PERSEDIAAN DIPLOMA UTHM? KOS APA YG DTAWARKAN? BERAPA LAMA? BELAJAR APA? BEST KE? LIBRARY UTHM HAHAHA.. yaah! i will answer all that question padahal soalan sendiri cipta. nobody ask me! muehehe.. okeyyy honestly for me i enjoyed the pre-diploma at UTHM. i meet so many friendsssss.. a best friendsss... aq good friendsss..  okeyyy let me answer the questions okeyy! APAKAH PERSEDIAAN DIPLOMA? -persediaan diploma adalah kos masa pendek yg twarkan oleh pihak UTHM untuk lepasan SPM smbil menunggu result keluar.. KOS APA YG DTAWAKAN? - persediaan diploma tiada kursus yg dtawakan.. we will learn the same subject.. we have 6 subjects but only 4 will have final exam.. yg lain test and assignment je.. dr situ dpt markah and quiz jgk! subject yg dp...